Monday, May 28, 2007

2 weeks in pictures

Yes it has been quiet here, but to distract you from the fact that I have little to talk about because all I have been doing is gardening since I got back from Victoria... I give you a ton of photos of everything but my knitting. There is some knitting will be another post for another day.

Kids who are bigger and almost as big as me.

They started out so small, how did it happen?

A boy who is finds a little peace in a park full of screaming kids

A nephew who knows a good pillow

A musical interlude, they were really good!

Make the baby laugh
Dad's who are getting old... well not really old but we like to tease him about it.

Back at the farm, the beauty continues

The dragonflies are out in huge numbers

but taking a picture of a dragonfly is really hard

I have been planting flowers
and going to wedding showers

*reposted, hopefully the pics are all here now

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