Monday, December 11, 2006


We are both alive, one of us more than the other. P has been sick for a number of weeks and things sort of crashed down around last week when he was admitted to the hospital for 3 days. It was a long week but now he is home, medicated and on the mend. I am thankful that he is ok(now) and he assures me that he will NEVER let himself get that sick again. If he does I may have to kill before he has the chance to die of natural causes.

We had plans to have a fundraising tree cutting event this weekend,
we went ahead with it even though P was under the weather - we doped him and sat him in a chair with some hot apple cider while the rest of us cut trees, drank mulled wine and rememebered that Christmas is not as merry for some people as it is for us. The funds raised will go to make Christams brighter for 2 families here in the Ottawa valley who otherwise might not have anything this holiday season.

I would say based on the number of boots that it was a successful day... and P enjoyed the company after and long and lonely week, this didn't actually capture them all and a few folks had already left.

I have some knitting photos as well, sitting in the hospital provides ample knitting time but Ihave to get the camera, the card reader and the laptop all in the same place to make that work - the laptop and card reader are in the internet cafe with me and the camera is in the car... so no pictures for you. I have beeen on a scarf kick lately and have 4 finished (even blocked) and 2 almost done. Soon, honest and if you haven't seen it yet, go look at the new Knitty - I am in love with this, this and this one too - I was thinking of all the littel people in my world who would like them.

Oh and if you are bored and need a way to waste time go here, careful it is addictive

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