Sunday, June 20, 2004

Cute furry four legged friends

Okay someone needs to be with me at all times when I go shopping in this city otherwise I am going to come home with a four legged friend sometime very soon. On thursday night it was some very sad and hot lop earred bunnies at the night market. Yesterday it was basset hound puppies and today it was beagles... I don't know if I have enough self control not to bring one of these very cute little critters home with me! I have to go back to the night market soon to get something for work and I am dreading all the little friends that I will see desperate for new homes. Poor little puppies and bunnies and kittens and hamsters and even the ferrets I saw today even though they aren't cute and I don't want one.

The fish that I have in my classroom at school just aren't the same, they don't give kisses and aren't happy to see me... except when I feed them. Okay I'm off to the market, if you want to lay bets on when I will come home with a pet feel free, someone will win eventually I'm sure.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi, Justine. Beagles are all around us here. The neighbours have a puppy, so all the older beagles in the neighbourhood now come to visit. The bark is cute at first, then annoying. The one next door (Jack) seems to have good taste - he only barks at Bill when he is wearing cycling shorts. Sam can sit up now, which is great since he weighs about 20 lbs. School is wrapping up, as are all the other activities... too many bbqs lately, and then what to do with our days?! We are getting ready for the trip to BC - set up the tent in the back yard and the girls are thrilled. I am making them bug shaped sleeping bags (lady bug and bumblebee) for the trip. Gotta run! Hope all is well. Have no idea how blogging actually works, but maybe you can read this better than your hotmail?