Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Random thoughts

Firstly thanks so much for all your heartfelt congratulations, P and I really appreciate it. We are both excited and amazed at the offers of help that are pouring in from our friends. I wish you all lived around the corner so we could celebrate together, distance can be a downfall to the internet.

- Did you know that hot water from the tap is a great luxury, hot drinkable water is even better. I was just making myself a hot apple cider and there was not enough water inthe kettle so I wandered over to the tap and filled the remainder of my cup with hot tap water. Some of you may kow that when I lived in Taipei not only was there no hot water in my kitchen but you could not drink the tap water without boiling it first. Who ever knew that I would be thankful for tap water.

- The kitchen renovation is finally coming to a close, there is still lots of work left to do but we almost have a complete set of cabinets and places to put all the stuff that has been living on the dining room table for a month. The floor still needs to be put in and the walls painted but that will happen after the holidays.

- I had a lovely brunch on the weekend with Jo and Tara, we knit (of course) gabbed about the wedding and our current spinning projects. It is so nice to have met such great people here who love the same things I do. Knit, spin, eat, blog...

- I am heading to Toronto this weekend to play with a few friends who I haven't seen since I returned from Asia - it will be a short but throughly enjoyable visit. Sadly I don't think there will be any time from any stash building, oh well next time. (maybe a quick trip to Romni)

I must get moving this morning, I am off to make some sense of a space that we call the living room so that we can have people over for Christmas Eve.

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